
Who is Amy North?

Amy North is a renowned dating coach and the creator of Text Chemistry. She holds a degree in social psychology and has been a dating coach for many years.
Amy is extremely successful in the dating industry, boasting over 550K YouTube Subscribers and thousands of personal coaching clients.

What is Text Chemistry?

Text Chemistry is a dating information package. The main selling point of the package is its 50,000 word eBook which is all about attracting men through text.
Along with the written book, you also get a video course with 13 videos and 3 bonus ebooks:
The program consists of a main eBook, a 13-video series, as well as 3 bonus eBooks:
The Phone Game
Why Men Leave
Tinder Success Secrets
The entire package is all about how to attract men using the written word, aka. text messages.
With Text Chemistry you will…
Have specific texts that you can copy and paste into your phone to make a casual guy you’re seeing into your boyfriend.
Know fundamentals of witty and playful texting so that you can get off Bumble and score more real life dates.
Have a list of go-to texts that will get his attention if he’s growing distant.
Have a collection of responses that you can text your guy in various situations (such as when he sends you a dick pic, when he’s been ignoring your texts and when you’re sexting.

Type Of Texts
Here are some of the type of texts Amy teaches in the course:
> Rocket Texts: These are texts that fuel a relationship that is just starting out. You send these before you are boyfriend and girlfriend.
> Crystal Ball Texts: Texts that help him take the relationship to the next level. Whether that’s “making it official”, moving in together, or proposing.
> Satellite Texts: Use these when a man starts growing distant or ignoring you.
> Supernova Texts: Texts that make him want to keep you around forever.
> Tantalizing Texts: Texts that spice things up!

Who Is This Product For?
Amy’s product is not for everyone. Let’s break down who will receive the most benefit from this course.

Text Chemistry is Not For:
People already in a committed relationship lasting longer than six months
Very witty, flirty and funny people who already do well with texting
Men. Sorry! The methods in the book are all specifically about how women can attract men.
Anyone looking for an actual magic pill to attract a man – it doesn’t exist!
You’ll Benefit from Text Chemistry If:
You are using dating sites or apps to try and find a partner.
You don’t like texting and struggle to keep text conversations interesting.
You’ve just started dating a man and want to keep him interested.
You’re dealing with a man who is growing distant.
You need some help with flirting and being sexy via text.

Additional Bonus: Many of the methods and texts described in the book are still useful after the two of you are “official.”